Tuesday, October 15, 2013

European Council: Netherlands Negligent against Racist Chants

The Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) of the Council of Europe has concluded that the Netherlands does too little against racist chants in soccer stadiums. Also in employment seeking and the entertainment industry, racist remarks are too often accepted as normal. The ECRI said that the Netherlands has to attack racism better in its society. A racist motive in a crime must be considered an aggravating element. A national strategy is required against discrimination due to race. The commission also regrets the planned savings in projects against discrimination. It also wants the Netherlands to deal with the exportation of non-Dutch workers. The commission criticized some politicians and media which paint Islam and Muslims as well as the arrival of Eastern Europeans, as a threat to Dutch society. Furthermore, the Netherlands lacks a national policy to integrate Roma and other gypsies better into society. However, the Netherlands has made progress since the previous report from 2008. www.volkskrant.nl/vk/nl/2686/2013/article/print/detail/3527145/Nederland-laks-bij-aanpak-racistische-spreekkoren.dhtml

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